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But that's his fault, not hers; she's simply passing him the ball here. What he does with it isn't up to her. Stahl begins with the following: Why do you want to be president again? What do you think the biggest domestic priority is for you right now? Who is our biggest foreign adversary? These are not particularly tough questions. She then moves on to addressing the rise in COVID-19 cases and unemployment claims; his statements about suburban women; and his inflammatory statements about Dr. Anthony Fauci and other health officials. She asks him to clarify his position on mask wearing; and the status on the health care plan he insists is coming to replace the Affordable Care Act. Questions about tough situations, sure. But again – not tough questions for a leader willing to take responsibility for his actions. A softball asking Trump to characterize his supporters winds up to a fast pitch by asking if he feels any responsibility for possibly encouraging violence against his political opponents, citing the thwarted kidnapping attempt of Michigan Gov.

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